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Rabbit Living Space

- how much space rabbits need
- how to set up their area
- how to set up their litter box
- how to (re-)litter train your rabbit
- how to bunny proof
- how to use boxes to enrich bunny life

Rabbit Diet

- the importance and type of hay for rabbits
- how much food pellets to give
- what foods to avoid
- which veggies are safe and how often

Rabbit Boredom Busters

- about play and exercise with your bunny
- activities and toys
- cheap and easy DIY toy ideas

Rabbit Vets

- the difference between regular veterinarians and exotic veterinarians
- how to vet a veterinarian for your rabbit
- which veterinarians our rescue uses and recommends for rabbits

Rabbit First Aid

- why it is important to prepare a rabbit first aid kit
- what items to collect

Rabbit Water Tips

- why it is important to pay attention to rabbit poop
- what different poops mean
- why diet should be a consideration

Summer Cooling Tips for Rabbits

- the dangers around rabbits over-heating
- how rabbits cool themselves
- inventive ways to keep rabbits cool

Rabbit Communication

- ways that rabbits show they are happy
- ways that rabbits communicate

Rabbit Play

- the importance of rabbit exercise
- how rabbits play
- how to play with your rabbit

Rabbit Stages of Development

- general stages of rabbit development
- behaviors to watch for during rabbit adolescent phase
- importance of spaying/neutering rabbits and when to do so
- signs of aging in rabbits
- medical issues to watch for

Woods For Chewing

- the importance of chewing for rabbits
- types of wood that are safe for chewing

Trimming Rabbit Nails

- how often to trim rabbit nails
- why trimming rabbit nails is important
- different methods to trim rabbit nails

Children and Rabbits

- what to watch for when young children are introduced to pet rabbits
- general rules to enforce with young children around rabbits

Helping Your Rabbit Deal With Grief

Learn: - the signs of depression - what to do if your rabbit is depressed - what not to do!

GI Stasis in Rabbits

- about one of the most common issues to occur in domestic rabbits, how it is caused, and how to prevent it
- how to treat GI stasis
- the difference between GI stasis and bloat

Medicinal Herbs For Rabbits

Learn: Medicinal herbs that can be used to help your bunny's health. Disclaimer:
We are not veterinarians nor herb specialists. This information was gathered from other sites and the knowledge and experience of board members. Many bunny owners have expressed an interest in this field, so we have done what we can to provide information.
We recommend that you discuss any information on these pages with your Rabbit Veterinarian before using on your bunnies.

For Vets: Medical Rabbit Posters

Print these for your vet or, if you are a vet, for your clinic! Posters show:
- general petting and no-petting zones on rabbits
- anatomy and physiology of different rabbit systems

Rabbit Care Education

Rabbit Care 101 Header.png

Learn how about the proper maintenance and care of domestic rabbits,

as well as how to foster a strong relationship with your rabbit companion.

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